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Three more officers on leave over arrest of woman, 73, with dementia

Two more Loveland, Colorado, police officers and a sergeant were placed on administrative leave after the  arrest of a 73-year-old woman with dementia  — an encounter that is now the focus of a criminal investigation. Officer Austin Hopp was placed on leave earlier this month after a federal lawsuit accused him and a second officer of injuring Karen Garner during the June 26 arrest, which was captured on body camera video. Garner suffered a dislocated shoulder, fractured arm and sprained wrist after she was slammed to the ground, hogtied and then placed in the back of a police car, according to the suit. She was walking home when she was stopped for allegedly trying to steal $13.88 worth of items from a Walmart. Garner's attorney, Sarah Schielke, said her client has dementia and sensory aphasia, which impairs her ability to verbally communicate with people or understand others' communications. Schielke said because of the dementia Garner forgot to pay for the items, whi

Twitter Hails 'Silent Service' of Man Giving Free Food to the Poor

  In these gloomy times, where negativity is all around us, the selfless acts of a few kind, thoughtful individuals are sometimes all we need to uplift our moods. A user on Twitter, Dr Sanjay Arora, recently shared the picture of a man offering free food to the homeless. He also mentioned how he had been engaging in this 'silent service' without any pomp or show-off, and only did this out of the goodness of his heart. "Silent service, I spotted this Sardarji a couple of times on my walk. Quietly offering food to homeless without any fanfare. Today I requested him for a picture which he hesitatingly allowed. Huge respect for such selfless heros of the society," wrote Dr Arora. Check out the full tweet here: People on Twitter lauded the man's efforts and appreciated his selfness nature. Here is how they reacted:   Scoure: