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Tesla's Powerwall+ is a higher-power battery for off-grid living

  It looks like Tesla has started sending potential customers information about an upgraded Powerwall that's aptly called Powerwall+. In a post on  Reddit  spotted by  Electrek , a user posted a spec sheet for the battery, along with photos of what it would look like when installed. The upgraded version's battery capacity is still 13.5kWh, but its max power output is now 9.6kW, up from 5kW continuous and 7kW peak output. That said, that boost in power is only possible when you're in off-grid mode.    The spec sheets describes Powerwall+ as follows: "Powerwall+ is an integrated solar battery system to store energy from solar production. Its integrated design and streamlined installation allow for a simple connection to any home, and improved surge power capability brings whole home backup in a smaller package. System smart controls enable owners to customize system behavior to suit their renewable energy needs.” Tesla chief Elon Musk started talking about an upg

New Diamond Battery Will Last 28,000 Years, Powered By Nuclear Waste

  The Radioactive Diamond Battery That Will Run For 28,000 Years   A U.S. startup combined radioactive isotopes from nuclear waste with ultra-slim layers of nanodiamonds to assemble a ridiculous battery that allegedly can last 28,000 years. According to the California startup in question, called  NDB  (Nano Diamond Battery), their product is a “high-power diamond-based alpha, beta, and neutron voltaic battery.” Diamond batteries are forever The energy comes from waste graphite that was previously used in graphite-cooled nuclear reactors. The radioactive graphite is encased in layers of nano-thin, single crystalline diamond, which act both as a semiconductor and heat sink. Diamond is the hardest material known to man. It also has the highest energy-conductivity, meaning it quickly transfers heat from the radioactive graphite. So the diamond layers not only collect charge, but also prevent radiation leakage. Since the  carbon-14 isotopes  have half-life times in the range o