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New Diamond Battery Will Last 28,000 Years, Powered By Nuclear Waste

  The Radioactive Diamond Battery That Will Run For 28,000 Years   A U.S. startup combined radioactive isotopes from nuclear waste with ultra-slim layers of nanodiamonds to assemble a ridiculous battery that allegedly can last 28,000 years. According to the California startup in question, called  NDB  (Nano Diamond Battery), their product is a “high-power diamond-based alpha, beta, and neutron voltaic battery.” Diamond batteries are forever The energy comes from waste graphite that was previously used in graphite-cooled nuclear reactors. The radioactive graphite is encased in layers of nano-thin, single crystalline diamond, which act both as a semiconductor and heat sink. Diamond is the hardest material known to man. It also has the highest energy-conductivity, meaning it quickly transfers heat from the radioactive graphite. So the diamond layers not only collect charge, but also prevent radiation leakage. Since the  carbon-14 isotopes  have half-life times in the range o