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Bill and Melinda Gates divorce after 27 years of marriage

Bill and Melinda Gates have announced their divorce after 27 years of marriage, saying "we no longer believe we can grow together as a couple". "After a great deal of thought and a lot of work on our relationship, we have made the decision to end our marriage," the pair tweeted. They first met in the 1980s when Melinda joined Bill's Microsoft firm. The billionaire couple have three children and jointly run the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The organisation has spent billions fighting causes such as infectious diseases and encouraging vaccinations in children.         *     Bill and Melinda Gates: A life in pictures         *   Solving Covid easy compared with climate - Gates The Gates - along with investor Warren Buffett - are behind the Giving Pledge, which calls on billionaires to commit to giving away the majority of their wealth to good causes. Bill Gates is the fourth wealthiest person in the world, according to Forbes, and is worth $124bn (£89bn). H

The dangers of digital disinformation

     The Corona crisis is the first pandemic in the era of 5G. In today’s competitive and reactive market place, scammers, hackers, conspiracy theorists etc. continue to put out false information that is now spreading quicker than ever. American Professor, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, from the University of Pennsylvania calls this “viral disinformation”. However, what happens now, when this viral disinformation meets an actual virus like COVID-19?                                          This tends to end in a predictable storyline where one side of the divide points fingers at the government and the other side claims that it is the media that are simply scare-mongering. Yet, what all this misses is the actual role that digital information is playing as viral disinformation continues to spread undetected online. There is still very much that we are unsure of with regards to COVID-19. However, given the current aggression of the crisis, it seems fair to suggest that it is not disappearing an

Bill Gates disagreed with sharing 'the recipe' for the coronavirus vaccines, but it doesn't mean he's refusing to expand production in developing nations

·           Bill Gates is being accused of refusing to share COVID-19 vaccine formulas with developing nations. ·          The source of that accusation is  a Sky News interview  with Gates - but he doesn't say that. ·          Instead, Gates speaks to the difficulties of ramping up vaccine production in untested facilities. ·          Visit the Business section of Insider for more stories .      Bill Gates has advocated for pandemic preparedness for years, and famously  gave a TED talk in 2015  that warned of the potentially staggering death toll a worldwide pandemic could create. Now, as COVID-19 vaccines roll out in response to the ongoing worldwide pandemic, Gates is being accused of withholding vaccine recipes from developing nations due to his response in a recent interview. "Bill Gates says no to sharing vaccine formulas with global poor to end pande mic,"  one headline reads . "Bill Gates under fire for saying vaccine formulas shouldn't be share

Claims that Bill Gates is going to ‘block the sun’ lack context

Bill Gates Will Have to Wait a While to Block the Sun ·          A controversial,  Bill Gates-backed sun-blocking experiment  has been  postponed for ethical reasons . ·          Concerned groups want a clearer understanding of consequences before the launch. ·          The test was originally scheduled for June 2021, but will be delayed until at least 2022. Just as quickly as it was announced, a controversial  solar geoengineering experiment backed by Bill Gates  has been postponed until at least 2022. Gates and other private donors are supporting  Harvard University’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program , which had planned to launch a new study based in Sweden in June researching the efficacy of blocking sunlight from reaching Earth’s surface. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment ( SCoPEx ) aimed to see how a tiny amount of aerosol in a trial would influence the immediate surroundings. But now, Harvard says it’s  delaying the study  to examine the impact