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IBM announces first 2nm chip, offers performance boost

IBM  launched the world’s first 2 nanometers (2nm) semiconductor today. The new semiconductors will help the tech industry towards better, more powerful processors which can now utilise the smaller semiconductor size to get more units in a single processor and get up to 45 per cent higher performance while using 75 per cent lower energy than a 7nm chip. The 2nm design demonstrates the advanced scaling of semiconductors using IBM’s nanosheet technology. It will allow chips to fit 50 billion transistors on a chip “the size of a fingernail”. The new 2nm semiconductor “is the product of IBM’s approach of taking on hard tech challenges and a demonstration of how breakthroughs can result from sustained investments and a collaborative R&D ecosystem approach,” DarĂ­o Gil, SVP and Director of IBM Research said.   What benefits chips with 2nm semiconductors bring? The new 2nm semiconductors will let chips consume much lesser battery in devices like cell phones. IBM suggests that use

IBM, HCL Technologies partner to set up cybersecurity solutions for clients

Security, the tech giant’s enterprise security products and services arm, said Tuesday it has partnered with technology services firm HCL Technologies to help unify and streamline threat management for clients through a modernised security operation center (SOC) platform. HCL’s Cybersecurity Fusion Centres will be designed to take advantage of IBM’s Cloud Pak for Security, to help create a unified security platform to connect security teams, tools and processes across the threat lifecycle. This collaboration builds on HCL and IBM’s recent alliance expansion to help organizations with digital transformation. IBM’s Cloud Paks essentially allow customers to easily onboard onto cloud depending on the vantage points, plan and adopt cloud, and and on an ongoing basis to run this for what we call day two operations News Source:  business-standard