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Twitter Hails 'Silent Service' of Man Giving Free Food to the Poor


In these gloomy times, where negativity is all around us, the selfless acts of a few kind, thoughtful individuals are sometimes all we need to uplift our moods.

A user on Twitter, Dr Sanjay Arora, recently shared the picture of a man offering free food to the homeless. He also mentioned how he had been engaging in this 'silent service' without any pomp or show-off, and only did this out of the goodness of his heart.

"Silent service, I spotted this Sardarji a couple of times on my walk. Quietly offering food to homeless without any fanfare. Today I requested him for a picture which he hesitatingly allowed. Huge respect for such selfless heros of the society," wrote Dr Arora.

Check out the full tweet here:

People on Twitter lauded the man's efforts and appreciated his selfness nature. Here is how they reacted:


