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Coronavirus Updates

High Protein Diet For Weight Loss: Avoid These Common Mistakes For Effective Result

One of the most popular macronutrients that you are suggested to when trying to lose weight is protein. This is not surprising given that they are the building blocks of tissue. Protein also plays an important role in building your muscles and keeps you full for longer. With all these benefits, it is quite possible to get carried away and follow a diet that has a little too much protein. Overconsumption of protein can impact your health and lead to some side effects. Too much protein intake can lead to calories accumulation, and jeopardise your weight loss plans. To prevent this, here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when on a high protein diet.   Weight loss: Avoid these mistakes when on a weight loss diet 1.Type of protein Make sure you consume proteins from lean sources. This includes protein such as fish, chicken and white-meat poultry. On the other hand, lamb, bacon and pork should be avoided so that you don't go overboard with your intake. 2. Include c

You have a hyper-sensitive ego. That is why you get depressed says sadguru

     We need to understand what depression is. Now, what is a “low”? What is it that happens within you? Fundamentally, you expected something to happen and it did not happen. You expected somebody or something to be your way or the world or the destiny to be your way, and it did not happen. In other words, you are simply against what is happening; that’s all. Maybe you are against a person, maybe you are against a whole situation, maybe you are against life itself. Accordingly, the depression will run deeper and deeper. Why are you against something? Only because things did not go your way, isn’t it? Why should the whole world go your way? Please know, the world does not go your stupid way. Either you have no faith in the creator or you have no acceptance, or both, and you have a hyper-sensitive ego. That is why you get depressed. Depression makes you cynical and is deeply self-damaging. Depressed people only hurt themselves more. Killing need not necessarily mean physical killing. A

Online news content and mental health

    Across the world, many of us are in lockdown, which either means that we are working from home or not working at all. Inevitably, this has an effect on our mental health. 46% of people in a recent survey say that their mental health is now worse than it was pre-coronavirus. Another thing indicated by the survey, is that the more we consume televised and online news, the worse our mental health becomes. The worst of the online news is that of social media, however Facebook was not the main offender on this occasion, the main culprit was Reddit .                                                Apparently, 57.6% of people who use Reddit as their primary social platform for COVID-19 , stated that they felt their mental health was worse. 19.8% commented that it was the same and 22.6% said that it was better. We are now spending an average of 53 minutes a day consuming news coverage which mainly revolves around COVID-19. The survey, conducted by streaming media service, flexed, was compri

Fasting lowers blood pressure by reshaping gut microbiota, here's how

  For the first time researchers demonstrate that intermittent fasting can reduce hypertension by reshaping the gut microbiota in an animal model. Nearly half of adults in the United States have hypertension, a condition that raises the risk for heart disease and stroke, which are leading causes of death in the U. S. At Baylor College of Medicine, Dr David J. Durgan and his colleagues are dedicated to better understand hypertension, in particular the emerging evidence suggesting that disruption of the gut microbiota, know as gut dysbiosis, can have adverse effects on blood pressure. "Previous studies from our lab have shown that the composition of the gut microbiota in animal models of hypertension, such as the SHRSP (spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rat) model, is different from that in animals with normal blood pressure," said Durgan, assistant professor of anesthesiology at Baylor. The researchers also have shown that transplanting dysbiotic gut microbiota from a hy

Health ministry releases revised guidelines for home isolation of mild COVID-19 cases

  The  health ministry  on Thursday issued the "Revised guidelines for home isolation of mild/asymptomatic COVID-19 cases", in which it advised against attempting to procure or administer Remdesivir injections at home, underlining that it should be administered only in a hospital setting. The guidelines stated that systemic oral steroids are not indicated in mild cases and if the symptoms (persistent fever, worsening cough etc.) persist beyond seven days, the treating doctor should be consulted for treatment with low-dose oral steroids. Elderly patients aged more than 60 years and those with co-morbid conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic lung or liver or kidney disease, cerebrovascular disease etc. shall only be allowed home isolation after a proper evaluation by the treating medical officer, it added. In case of falling oxygen saturation levels or shortness of breath, the person should require hospital admission and seek immediate cons

Heart checked post recovery of Covid: Doctor Says

     Doctors say that while the recovery rate is encouraging for many Covid-positive patients in India, there are some after-effects of the disease, which can cause long-term health issues. In fact, a recent study by the Oxford journal has revealed nearly 50 per cent of people hospitalised with severe  COVID-19  have shown evidence of heart damage months after recovering from the disease. It, therefore, becomes important for patients to  get their heart checked  after making recovery, Dr Ravi Kumar, senior consultant and clinical lead, Heart Failure and Transplantation, MGM Healthcare, tells . “COVID-19 infection triggers inflammation in the body that may lead to weakening of the heart muscle, abnormalities in heart rhythm, and even cause clot formation in blood vessels. Second, the virus may directly invade receptor cells, known as ACE2 receptors, within the myocardial tissue and cause direct viral harm. These complications — such as myocarditis — an inflammatio