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Google announces Entertainment Space for Android tablets

Android tablets still exist, somehow. And people may still be buying them, for some reason. All of this in spite of Google's best efforts to simply ignore the form factor completely for the past few years, and we don't mean just by not releasing any more of its own tablets, but also in not adapting Android to the bigger screen sizes at all.

Today the search giant has suddenly remembered that Android tablets exist, and has thus announced a new feature, just for Android tablets. Can you believe it? Something in Android, tailor-made for tablets. Hell is freezing over, surely.

Anyway, that's probably enough snark and you may be wondering what this is. It's called Entertainment Space, and, well, the name is pretty descriptive. Google describes it as "a one-stop, personalized home for all your favorite movies, shows, videos, games, and books".

It lets you not go through the trouble of hopping between apps to try and figure out what's where, taking care of that for you by presenting an aggregate view of content from your apps, that's grouped by type.

So you have the Watch tab with movies, TV shows, and YouTube videos. This includes a Continue Watching row, as well as personalized and trending recommendation rows from Google TV, Twitch, Hulu, "and many additional services".
