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Chennai man ends life in support of farmers protesting in Delhi


    CHENNAI: A 65-year-old man killed himself in Chennai on Saturday in support of farmers protesting in Delhi against the Centre's farm laws. G Perumal of Ashok Nagar left behind a suicide note at his home. In the two-page suicide note, he stated that the new farm laws would help neither farmers nor corporates. Perumal had lost vision in one of his eyes in an accident. On Saturday, his wife Kumudha, 45, a housemaid, left for work. His son, Lokesh, 22, a delivery executive, also went for work. Lokesh, who came back home for lunch, found his father hanging from the ceiling. Perumal used his dhoti to end his life. Lokesh removed Perumal from the noose and rushed him to a nearby health centre where he had been declared brought dead.

Save Farmers......................
